Custom Holiday Cards

Birds of a Leaf Luggage Tag by ValeriesGallery

A plaid bird, a blue bird and a honeycomb bird hang out among the leaves of an abstract tree on a luggage tag.

Birds of a Leaf Luggage Tag
Birds of a Leaf Luggage Tag by ValeriesGallery

This gift is available at your nearest Zazzle site:

Luggage Tags: bird, birds, animal, plaid, plaid bird, abstract, tree, leaves, trees, blue bird, lines, dots, polka dots, gray background, three birds, chevron, red bird, yellow bird, honey comb, honeycomb, chevron bird, honeycomb bird, honey comb bird, stripes, grey, grey background, bluebird, blue jay, nature, pattern, Tag for Bags

Marketplace Category: Animals > Wild > Birds

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