Custom Holiday Cards

Up the Tree Placemats by Bebops

This American MoJo placemat features the view from the bottom of a very tall tulip tree looking way up to the top. The blue twilight sky creates an interesting lacy abstract effect of silhouetted trunk and branches. This huge old tree lives in Robert H. Treman State Park in Ithaca, New York.

Up the Tree Placemats
Up the Tree Placemats by Bebops

This gift is available at your nearest Zazzle site:

Placemats: mysterious, spooky, halloween, woods, woodland, forest, forests, nature, gothic, trees, goth, liriodendron, trunk, trunks, branch, wood, leaves, deciduous, bebops, place, bebop, placemats

Marketplace Category: Nature & Landscapes > Trees & Leaves

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